| (970) 805-0366 | 209 4th Street Dacono, CO 80514
The Glens Critical Home Repair Program
Habitat partners with homeowners in the Glens to complete repairs when they are financially and/or physically unable to make changes on their own. Seventeen repairs have been completed since 2016 to preserve home safety and affordability. Habitat will consider any interior or exterior repair. Projects are selected based on need, willingness to partner, and Habitat's ability to complete the repair.
Interested in Applying?
If you're interested in applying for repair assistance through Habitat's Critical Home Repair Program, contact:
Krystal Winship Erazo
Neighborhood Revitalization Manager
To view the Critical Home Repair Application, click on the button below.
Volunteer Interest
No experience is necessary, but it is certainly always welcome!
Critical Home Repair projects consist of exterior work such as roofing repair, replacing siding, exterior paint, landscaping, and more. Volunteers will also do interior work including replacing windows and doors, installing bathroom and kitchen fixtures, flooring, and painting.
Repair Stories
Ken and Ana's Story
Ken and Ana are both proud homeowners of a home in the Glens of Dacono. Brother Grimes, St. Vrain Habitat's Repair Manager, is also featured talking about Ken and Ana's repair. We're so honored to hear their story!
Jacque's Story
Jacque and her dog Finnigan will be so happy once the repairs on their home are done! She and her husband bought their home in 1981, and they’ve worked hard throughout the years making their home comfortable and cozy. After Jacque’s husband passed, she was hoping to get a few repairs done on their home.
Jacque’s priority was to replace the siding on her home. In addition to installing new siding, we were also able to replace a few windows and paint the exterior her favorite color purple. Prior to working with Habitat, Jacque’s beautiful home wasn’t very accessible. As part of the repair, Habitat added a variety of modifications, like a new ramp and shower bench that have made it easier for Jacque and Finn to get around.
Jacque is an amazing baker and loves to bake tons of yummy treats every time we’re there on site working with her. Her oven hadn’t worked for three years, so she was glad to be able to bake again with her new oven. She is also very sociable, so she has a great relationship with her neighbors and loves living in her neighborhood, the Glens. Jacque is extremely grateful for the opportunity that Habitat is providing her and can’t wait to see all the final improvements on her home!