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About Us

The Pride of the Glens is a resident-led coalition improving quality of life in Dacono and the surrounding areas. 

We believe that bringing people together and connecting one another with resources is a great way to build a strong community. Our coalition formed in 2017 by partnering with Habitat for Humanity of the St. Vrain Valley and their Neighborhood Revitalization Program. Core resident leaders in the neighborhood plan and implement activities that build social cohesion, collective action, and a sense of community to improve the quality of life for everyone in the Glens.

“Proud to live in a quiet, friendly community where our dreams can come true”


The Dacono Mural 

Bringing the history of our town alive through art!

Our favorite projects are those that require all three of our action teams to work together. The Dacono Mural is one of the first projects we worked on together as a coalition. It is located on the side of Esh's, a discount grocery store in the Glens loved by many residents.

Bart McCune, an amazing muralist and dedicated Glens resident, both designed and painted the Dacono Mural. He spent hours researching Dacono's history so that he can create a mural that truly represented the neighborhood and Dacono as a whole. Keep scrolling to see what he found and how it inspired his vision of the Dacono mural! 

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The History of Dacono

In May of 1908, Dacono was in part founded and named by Charles Lockhard Baum. It provided an official settlement for all of the coal miners in the area. The town's name was inspired by a combination of the first two letters in the first names of three important women in Baum's life. The first woman's name was Daisy, the Baum's wife. The second woman was named Cora VanVoorhis, she was an accomplished author in the subject of Divine Sciences and a dear friend of Daisy's. Fun fact: it is believed that she's possibly the ghost that currently haunts Yak and Yeti of Olde Town Arvada! Spooky, huh? The final woman who inspired Dacono's name was Nona Brooks, another friend of Daisy's, as well as an accomplished author and founder of the Divine Science Church in Denver. When you combine the first two letters of each woman's name, you get DACONO!

Take a sneak peak at the creation and celebration of the Dacono mural!

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Pride of the Glen's, a resident-led coalition

worked hard to be able to show of Dacono pride by being able to place a stone just for Dacono's residents. Stones such as this one can serve as a lasting reminder of the past and Dacono's accomplishments for future generations.

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